Izdanja AGM Knjige

Priručnik za postavljanje malih vetrogeneratora

Priručnik za postavljanje malih vetrogeneratoraAutor: Slobodan Plazinić   
Izdanje: AGM knjiga
Godina: 2011
Br.strana: 108
Povez: mek
Format: B-5
Fotografije: crno bele  /sifra 1030
Cena: 1100,00 rsd//  9,5 EUR

Priručnik za postavljanje malih sistema za konverziju energije vetra je pisan da posluži potencijalnim korisnicima u postavljanju vetrogeneratora na osnovu saznanja o raspodeli pravca i brzine vetra u izabranom lokalitetu, odnosno, da kao vodič pomogne u postavljanju vetrogeneratora (kapaciteta do 100kW) na najpovoljnijem mestu u lokalitetu na kome bi se obezbedila trajnija eksploatacija, lakše održavanje i nesmetani rad.

Competition and integrity in public procurement El. pošta


 Autor: Slavica Joković
 Godina: 2019
 Broj strana: 119
 Povez: mek

 Jezik: engleski
 ISBN: 978-86-902337-5-5-5-5
 Cena: 2640 rsd /22 eur

This book examines the issues and challenges raised by anti-competitive practice in public procurement and lack of integrity. It will help the reader to solve its problems concerning lack of knowledge, information and experience in the area of competition and public procurement. Furthermore, it will help concerning appropriate measures for prevention of corruption, as well as measures aimed at fighting bid rigging in public procurement and enhancing competition.

The objective of this book is to promote integrity in public procurement as a precondition for fair competition on the one side, and sustainable public procurement, including environmental and social goals, on the other side.

In order to respond to these challenges, appropriate public procurement measures should be considered, with aim of increasing efficiency of public spending, integrity and competition, facilitating in particular the participation of SMEs in public procurement, which is essential to proper and efficient implementation of public procurement procedures..

The book analyses the role of competition and integrity in the public procurement policy, in view of new EU public procurement legislative framework, and particular country case of Serbia.

Considering a wide impact of public procurement on the whole economy, and harmful consequences of anti-competitive practice to public resources, this book reviews some public procurement rules in the EU Directive on Public Procurement and the Law on Public Procurement in Serbia, intended to foster competition. Furthermore, it focuses on the provisions concerning transparency and integrity in the area of public procurement, as well as the criteria for award of the public contracts, and small and medium sized enterprises (SME) consideration in the public procurement policy.

This book elaborates the main characteristics of anti-competitive practice in public procurement, including bid rigging, its forms, objectives, and consequences, as well as various features of the industry, products and services that tend to facilitate collusion in public tenders. It also describes the most common indicators of bid rigging in order to detect and prevent anti-competitive collusion.

Furthermore, it examines the rules regarding integrity and transparency in the area of public procurement that should be ensured through appropriate anti-corruption measure, control, reporting and internal liability, which contribute to the fight against anti-competitive practice. Integrity and transparency of the public procurement system, embracing access to procurement information and ethics, should ensure its proper functioning to avoid any irregularities in procurement procedures and practices.

Afterwards, the book covers issues concerning rules for the award of public procurement contracts, including contract award criteria, with particular emphasis on qualitative aspects. Especially, as a specific illustration of these deliberations, the criterion of qualification and experience of staff assigned to performing the contract is examined, as well as an example of relevant case-law of the Court of Justice. In addition, it investigates issues of integrating SMEs consideration into public procurement policy, in order to increase its participation in the public procurement market.

The book also highlights appropriate measures that should be applied in order to fight against anti-competitive practice in public procurement, which concern proper implementation of relevant legislative provisions, as well as proposed practical measures to increase participation of economic operators in the public procurement procedures. Finally, last chapter analyses relevant opportunities, and legal and institutional framework of public procurement and public-private partnerships in Serbia, as a country case.

This book can be used as an useful manual for public procurement practitioners and officials working in the area of competition. It is of great value not only for lawyers, economists,  specialists in purchasing practice, researchers and students, but to a much wider audience which recognizes a strong potential of public procurement to stimulate investment and new technologies, as well as to boost the whole economy.







19-24. MAJA 2024.

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U ponudi su sva izdanja Saobraćajnog fakulteta Beograd za Srbiju i inostranstvo

Katalog Saobraćajni fakultet (PDF)

Novi naslovi u pripremi

1. SolidCam 2021- Automatsko programiranje CNC glodalica
    Slaviša Ivanović

2. Zone opasnosti  (požar)
    Radovan Jovanov

3. Pneumatika 
    Slaviša Ivanović

4. Geodetske mreže
    Gligorije Perović

5. Planiranje i kontrola investicija u preduzeću
    Vladimir Novaković

6.  Tolerancije naleganja i stezni spojevi
     Spasoje Drapić

7. KAMEN -Tehnologija obrade, alati i mašine
    Slaviša Ivanović

8. Mali leksikon psihološko-psihijat.i pravnih pojm.
    Stevan P. Petrović

9. Tehnologija obrade drveta, alati i mašine za obradu
    Slaviša Ivanović

10. Rečnik ribolova ES i SE
     Branko Vukičević

11. Digitalni sistemi upravljanja procesima -Miša Stambolić


Knjige iz uvoza

Arhitektonske hronike

Arhitektonske hronikeAutor: Tomislav Odak

Godina: 2009
Br.strana: 240
Povez: mek
Format: 12.5x20 cm
Cena: 1980.00 rsd

Knjiga je zbornik koji sadrži preko 60 rukopisa i tekstova o hrvatskoj arhitekturi, objavljivanih zadnjih trideset godina. Većim delom radi se o arhitektonskim kritikama I prikazima dela drugih autora, osvrti i rasprave i druge vrste tekstova o arhitkturi. Knjgia sadrži slikovni amterijal koji prati pojedine tekstove, uglavnom arhitektonske nacrte , skice I fotografije.

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