Rečnik osiguranja englesko-srpski |
Autor: Vera Joldić i Bojana Papović
Oblast osiguranja, zbog svoje raznolikosti, predstavlja izazov za svakog prevodioca. Rečnik osiguranja englesko-srpski nastao je iz dugogodišnjeg i često pionirskog traganja za najboljim prevodilačkim rešenjima i „živog posla" simultanih, konsekutivnih i pisanih prevoda. Pored osiguranja, rečnik pokriva i terminologiju srodnih oblasti kao što su finansije, pravo, mašinstvo, pomorstvo, građevinarstvo, arhitektura, te svaki segment ljudskog života i rada koji se osigurava ili se može osigurati. Struktura rečnika sledi princip hijerarhijskih leksičkih polja, gde osnovna jedinica uključuje primere u rečenicama, podređene termine i izraze i upućuje na sinonime (prema abecednom redosledu). Skraćenice su prevedene na početku rečnika, ali su navedene i uz sam termin. Rečnik je osmišljen kao pomoć svima koji se bave osiguranjem ili imaju potrebu da razumeju značenje složenih termina iz te delatnosti na engleskom jeziku. To su, dakle, zaposleni i rukovodioci u delatnosti osiguranja, brokerske kuće, banke, zastupnici i posrednici, advokatske kancelarije, lekari i medicinsko osoblje i na kraju, ali ne i najmanje važno, prevodioci i prevodilačke agencije. *** Diverse in nature, the insurance industry is a challenge for every interpreter and translator. The Insurance Dictionary English-Serbian is the pinnacle of a long-standing and often pioneering search for the best translation solutions and real-life interpretation. Therefore, it includes the terms not often found in other dictionaries from the same field. On top of insurance, the Dictionary covers the terminology of related areas, such as finance, law, mechanical engineering, marine, civil engineering, architecture and every other segment of human life and work that is insured or insurable. The structure of the dictionary follows the principle of hierarchical lexical fields, with the basic unit including the examples in sentences, subordinate terms and expressions and a reference to synonyms (in alphabetical order). Abbreviations are listed at the beginning of the Dictionary, but also specified next to the term itself. The Dictionary is designed to assist everyone who deals with insurance or needs to grasp the meaning of the comprehensive insurance terminology in English. It may, therefore, be of interest to employees and managers in the insurance industry, insurance brokers and agents, banks, various intermediaries, law offices, doctors and medical personnel, and last but not least, translators and translation agencies. |